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Project / Goals


To demonstrate that through the application of appropriate collaborative strategies for the management, maintenance, and impact’s monitoring & evaluation of Building-Integrated Greenery (BIG) systems i.e. green roofs and green walls/facades, it is possible to guarantee their long-term sustainable service life and the optimal and continuous provision of ecosystem services, with special emphasis on the Mediterranean climate.

Specific Objectives and Implementation
  1. To characterize the current operation of eight selected BIG projects.
  2. To co-design 16 collaborative strategies for (a) Maintenance and (b) Impacts Monitoring & Evaluation), integrating xeriscaping, smart technologies, and Community Service-Learning approaches.
  3. To partially refurbish currently selected BIG projects that have failed.
  4. To install the facilities and smart control systems for those maintenance activities and monitoring activities that can be automated.
  5. Stakeholders’ capacity building on BIG systems and their ecosystem services, their maintenance and monitoring, and networking and Community Service Learning approaches.
  6. To apply the maintenance and monitoring plans and to evaluate the positive impact on the selected BIG systems.
  7. To draft the two definitive EU framework plans (maintenance and monitoring) that can be replicated in the future in any BIG system.
  8. To catalyse the large-scale deployment and application of the BIG4LIFE project achievements, both in the Mediterranean and worldwide.