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Project / Pilot Cases


Semi-extensive green rooftop of a research centre located at the top of a hill in Lleida. Failed because of lack of maintenance, it doesn’t provide ecosystem services nowadays. BIG4LIFE will refurbish an area of 600 sqm following a xeriscaping approach and providing public access to it.
Architect: Pich-Aguilera Architects, Josep Mª Puigdemasa
Green Infrastructure enterprise: ZINCO
BIG2 / Ronda-La Mercè

Extensive green rooftop of a kinder garden located in the urban area of Lleida. Failed because of lack of maintenance, it doesn’t provide ecosystem services nowadays. BIG4LIFE will partially refurbish around 200 m2

Architect: BR29, Pàmpols + Montserrat Giné Architects
Green Infrastructure enterprise: ACSA (Sorigué)


BIG3 / Porxos d’en Xifré
Successful semi-extensive green roof of a residential historical building located in the Old Town of Barcelona, next to the harbour. It has received a New European Bauhaus Award (edition 2021, category “Preservation and Transformation of Cultural Heritage”). It is properly maintained and partially monitored. As a community place, the green roof is a source of health and wellbeing for the dwellers of the building. It contributes to increase air quality and CO2 sequestration, enhances urban biodiversity, produces renewable energy, and stores rainwater.
Designers of green roof: Mata Alta studio

Successful semi-extensive green rooftop of a collective facility for the integration of mentally disabled people located in an urban restructuring area in Barcelona. It is maintained and partially monitored. The rooftop enhances de biodiversity in the neighbourhood, attracting insects, birds, and small reptiles. It stores CO2 and suspended particles responsible for air pollution. It diminishes the heat island effect and produces energy savings because of a better thermic behaviour of the building

Designers of green roof: Joan Sabaté Architect
Green Infrastructure enterprise: TEB Verd Cooperative

Successful green roof of the offices of a logistic site located in an industrial district of Barcelona under urban restructuring. It’s well maintained and partially monitored. The rooftop improves the quality of air and the thermic conditions in the office beneath it. It also captures CO2 and reduces noise. It attracts multiple species of birds and invertebrates. Several participative activities of environmental education are organized in the rooftop.

Designers of green facade: Mias Architects
Green Infrastructure enterprise: Verdtical. In 2022 Vivers Ter took care of the maintenance
BIG6 / Pérez-Iborra

Successful semi-extensive green roof of a school located in the dense urban extension (Eixample) of central Barcelona. It is properly maintained and partially monitored. It provides many ecological services: locally-sourced food thanks to a vegetable garden, climate data by a weather station, biodiversity through an insect’s hotel, clean energy produced by solar panels, water recycling thanks to a system to collect, store, and reuse rainwater. Such services contribute both to the naturalization of the city and to the environmental education of school children.

Designers of green roof: Espai Qbic Arquitectura
Green Infrastructure enterprise: Eixverd and SESAC14

BIG8 / Tibidabo

Partially successful green wall of the office Building in the leisure park of Tibidabo located in hilltop of Barcelona. The green façade has a clear effect on the indoor climatic conditions in the offices, but they are not monitored yet. There is also an underground tank to store rainwater, but it has not been working yet. The park has also many daily visitors that will enjoy the wellbeing effects of the green wall. It can also serve to environmental education activities. In terms of biodiversity, reduction of urban heat island, capture of CO2 and air quality, the effects of the green wall are low compared to the forest where the leisure park is located.

Architect: BR29, Pàmpols + Montserrat Giné Architects
Green Infrastructure enterprise: ACSA (Sorigué)


BIG7 / Auditori l’Artesà

Green rooftop of a cultural public facility located in El Prat de Llobregat, a municipality next to Barcelona. Failed because of lack of maintenance, it doesn’t provide ecosystem services nowadays. BIG4LIFE will completely refurbish it as an extensive green roof.

Designers of green roof: AMM + Forgas Architects
Green Infrastructure entreprise: Massoni Gardening