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BIG4LIFE participates in ICED2024

The BIG4LIFE consortium will participate in the 5th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health (ICED2024) organized by our partner Laboratory of Technology and Policy of Energy and Environment from the Hellenic Open University in Athens (Greece) from the 18th until the 20th of October.

List of contributions:

  • Laura Herrera (Unviersitat de Lleida) “BIG4LIFE (building-integrated greenery): collaborative xeriscaping-based maintenance and monitoring in Mediterranean cities”
  • Julià Coma (Unviersitat de Lleida) “Environmental benefits of BIG systems. Monitoring and evaluating impacts in operation real cases”
  • Miquel Martí (Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia) “Contributions of BIG systems to the wellbeing of citizens and methods to assess them”
  • Giulia Mazzucco (Università degli Studi di Genova) “Building-integrated greenery systems: From the new European Bauhaus perspective”
  • Katia Perini (Università degli Studi di Genova) “ECOLOPES: Ecological building envelopes”

The contributions of the BIG4LIFE partners will be on the morning of Friday 18th. Further information on the time and room for the sessions will be shared on social media.

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