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Towards the
New European Bauhaus
by advancing the
lifespan of
BIG Systems

BIG4LIFE aims at promoting collaborative strategies for management, maintenance, impact monitoring, and evaluation of Building Integrated Greenery (BIG) systems.

Through eight representative pilot cases, BIG4LIFE will enhance the lifespan of BIG systems by improving their long-term sustainability and the provision of ecosystem services in Mediterranean cities.

and approach

BIG4LIFE project will demonstrate that by applying xeriscaping and networking approaches, supported by the suitable smart solutions, not only the long-term viability of BIG systems is feasible, but also their positive service life, in terms of ecosystem services provided, can be enhanced.


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BIG4LIFE summer school

This summer, Gabriel Luque and Laura Herrera, coordinators of the BIG4LIFE project have hosted Martina Lorente, a senior high-school student…

September 4, 2024
BIG4LIFE participates in ICED2024

The BIG4LIFE consortium will participate in the 5th International Conference on Environmental Design and Health (ICED2024) organized by our partner…

August 7, 2024
Green roofs host biodiversity

BIG systems support biodiversity in urban environments. BIG4LIFE researchers have installed autonomous bio-trapping cameras to have a log of all…

July 23, 2024